Pediatric orthopaedic surgeon R. Jay Lee discusses “Reliability of a New Arthroscopic Discoid Lateral Meniscus Classification System: A Multicenter Video Analysis”.
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The discord lateral meniscus is one of the most common congenital anomalies of the knee. An estimated 5% of the population has a discord meniscus and it has a wide ranging path of morphology. Since 1969. The three category Watanabe classification has been commonly used in research and clinical practice, but the wide ranging heterogeneity of the discord meniscus can make accurate description and classification difficult. Thus, with a variation and morphology combined with a narrow three category classification system, the reported treatments, outcomes and the prognosis of the discord meniscus. Very substantially we recognize the need for a more descriptive classification system for better communication. Thus a group of pediatric orthopedic surgeons from 20 academic institutions reviewed the existing classifications and developed a comprehensive discord lateral meniscus classification system. Four features of the discord lateral meniscus was evaluated. Meniscal with meniscal height, peripheral stability and Meniscus tearing. Our group developed and tested the reliability of a new prism. Discord lateral Meniscus classification system with four main categories and 15 subcategories and dozens of permutations and found that despite the far more detailed system, inter observer and inter observer reliability was moderate to substantial. This new reliable classification system we think is the key to advancing discord lateral meniscus research in a prospective multi center format and will enhance communication research and evidence based treatment. Hopefully in the future. This will translate to positively impacting the outcomes of our patients