Johns Hopkins inHealth: Big Data, Safely Stored
Precision medicine tools bring results to patients.
Natalia Trayanova - Computational Simulations of the Heart
Natalia Trayanova, the Murray B. Sachs Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University, explains her work with computational simulations of the heart.
Johns Hopkins inHealth: On the Road to Precision Medicine
Johns Hopkins inHealth kicks off #HopkinsOnTheRoad, a health care leader series where experts discuss the importance of Precision Medicine.
What is Behind a Massive Big Data Effort at Johns Hopkins Called inHealth?
Elizabeth Tracey and reports on the initiative to utilize data to improve health.
Johns Hopkins inHealth: The Future of Medicine is in Your Hands
Being able to unlock and unite all of these elements through today’s technologies is the key to a healthier future for everyone.
Pulse November 2017: Precision Medicine & High Value Healthcare
Elizabeth Tracey and Paul Rothman discuss high value healthcare and Johns Hopkins program inHealth.
Johns Hopkins inHealth: Experts Discuss Lower Cost, Better Care
The debate about health care continues in Washington but one thing remains constant - health care costs continue to rise.